😱 The "shocking chart" of the day !!! 😱
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This "quasi-peg" level never got revisited. Meanwhile, the 0.95 new support level does not seem to hold. Today we trade at 94 cents and many traders do have 90 cents in mind. And even much lower levels... Good luck... Source chart: Brian Reutimann
🔴Efforts are underway in Switzerland to amend the Swiss Federal Constitution to mandate the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to hold Bitcoin alongside gold as part of its monetary reserves. This ground breaking initiative, officially registered in the Federal Gazette on December 31, 2024, seeks to position Switzerland at the forefront of global Bitcoin adoption ‼️ 👉 The Proposal and Its Architects The initiative, titled “For a financially sound, sovereign, and responsible Switzerland,” was spearheaded by Giw Zanganeh, Tether’s Vice President of Energy and Mining, alongside Yves Bennaïm, founder of the Swiss Bitcoin nonprofit think tank 2B4CH. Eight additional Bitcoin advocates collaborated on the proposal, which requires 100,000 signatures by June 30, 2026, to trigger a national referendum. This threshold represents roughly 1.12% of Switzerland’s population of 8.92 million. 👉 If successful, the proposed amendment would revise Article 99 Paragraph 3 of the Swiss Federal Constitution to state: “The National Bank builds up sufficient monetary reserves from its own earnings; part of these reserves are made up of gold and Bitcoin.” 🚨 The official PDFs (and instructions) are here 👇 : if you are Swiss you can sign and send it back to BITCOIN VOLKSINITIATIVE, POSTFACH 521, 6440 BRUNNEN