Slow food for thought

Insights and research on global events shaping the markets

Through his speeches and writings, Warren Buffet's late ‘right-hand man’ left a legacy of real life and investment lessons. Excerpt below (source: Compounding Quality on X)

Key takeaways: • After a strong first half of the year for equity markets, we believe that there are 5 key themes to watch in the coming months: 1) Normalisation of global economic growth; 2) Labour market normalisation; 3) Central banks kicking off their easing cycle; 4) The normalisation of the equity market leadership and; 5) A pick-up in volatility. • On a more tactical basis, our view on risk assets remains constructive but there are indeed a few indicators which lead us to become slightly more prudent as we head into Summer. As such, we have been rebalancing our clients’ portfolios to reflect our neutral view on equities. We recently decreased our slight tactical overweight on equities back to neutral. We remain underweight fixed income and overweight alternatives and Gold. We also decided to downgrade our view on the JPY from NEUTRAL to negative vs USD and all major currencies. We remain positive dollar against EUR, GBP and CHF.

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Fast food for thought

Insights and research on global events shaping the markets

Semiconductor stocks have started correcting and the Mag7 are engaging in stock buybacks, while US debt produces less GDP per borrowed dollar than it used to. Each week, the Syz investment team takes you through the last seven days in seven charts.

Stocks were volatile this week with continued rotation in market leadership to small-cap and value shares. U.S. markets initially rallied to new-highs but faded toward week's end, led by weakness in the tech sector. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq closed lower on the week, while the Dow posted a solid gain. Value stocks outpaced growth stocks by 477 basis, as measured by Russell indexes—the largest divergence since March 2023. The week was also notable for a widespread global disruption to computer systems early Friday due to an error in a vendor’s security update to some users of the Microsoft operating system.

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