Slow food for thought
Insights and research on global events shaping the markets
US economy rebounds with robust job creation and wage growth. Risk assets soar with the S&P 500 hitting historic highs and Japan's Nikkei 225 at a 34-year peak. Our diversified strategy pays off; adjusting Switzerland and Emerging Markets in equities, upgrading GBP yield curve in fixed income, and tweaking forex positions.
Joe Biden's administration has put in place a vast investment programme that should strengthen the United States' dominant industrial position, particularly vis-à-vis Europe. But at what cost?
The two announced candidates for the US presidential election have diverging political and economic agendas. With possible consequences for stock market performance.
Disappointing performance from some ESG-labelled ETFs, record numbers of ESG fund closures in the US, increasing cases of "greenwashing"... Responsible investment is at a turning point. Find out more below.
The obesity drugs market offers substantial investment opportunities. Find out more in the FOCUS note attached.
While some 'secular' investment themes are strongly represented in portfolios (e.g. the 'Magnificent 7'), this is not the case for other bull markets. We have identified 5 of them.
2024 is expected to be the year when the economic chain reaction triggered by the Covid pandemic reaches its end.
This is one of the surprises of 2023. Despite rising interest rates, real dollar yields above 2% and a strong dollar, gold is close to all-time highs. What are the factors behind the rise in the price of yellow metal?
Below are the top 10 events and surprises that could impact financial markets and the global economy in the New Year. These are not forecasts, but potential macro-economic, geopolitical or market events that are not anticipated by the financial markets. We also try to assess the probability of occurrence (high, medium, low) of each of them.
As the most wonderful time of the year approaches, the financial markets anticipate the Santa Claus Stock Rally, a period where stock prices often rise from Thanksgiving to the end of December. This phenomenon encapsulates a mix of historical trends, investor behavior, and market analysis. This article will explore its historical performance, influencing factors, and its potential prospects for 2023 amidst current economic challenges.
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