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12 Jan 2023

Metals have been on fire since China pivoted on Covid policy.

Source: Bloomberg | David Ingles

8 Jan 2023

Central banks are buying record amounts of Gold

Source: The Economist

28 Nov 2022

WTI tumbled to lowest since December 2021

Oil prices plunge as China protests hit risk sentiment. China unrest comes after sharp pullback in oil mkt as risk of China slowdown looms & EU floated price cap on Russian crude that looks set to have minimal impa

8 Nov 2022

Commodities outperformed during the stagflationary 70's

Are we at the start of a new commodities outperformance cycle? Source: Gigi Penna, Bloomberg

17 Aug 2022

#Samsung posts upbeat #earnings ! #stocks #trading #markets #Nasdaq #trending

Samsung reported better than expected revenue, signaling tech earnings may not be as bad as some feared about weakening demand and a rise in material costs. Investors are slowly shifting toward the view that the economic slow down may not be as painful as thoughts a few weeks earlier and there are increasing signs that inflation should ease in the medium term.

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