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20 Jul 2023

Terry Smith investment principles:

1. Buy good companies 2. Don't overpay 3. Do Nothing Source: Compounding Quality

20 Jul 2023

Timing the market has proven to be impossible

A simple dollar cost average strategy is the best way to go about investing. Consistent contributions made every week/month regardless of whether stocks are up or down. Source: Mark Wlosinski

17 Jul 2023

The EV industry comprises three essential components: lithium producers, parts manufacturers, and EV manufacturers.

Looking ahead, it is likely that electric motors and lithium batteries will become prevalent in all cars. Source: Genuine Impact

13 Jul 2023

Tesla holds the undisputed leadership position among #electriccar companies based on market capitalization

Tesla holds the undisputed leadership position among electric car companies based on market capitalization. However, this year, BYD has surpassed Tesla to become the world's top-selling EV brand. Source: Genuine Impact

13 Jul 2023

Skin in the game matters

Source: Compounding Quality

12 Jul 2023

Tips for Smart Investing by Warren Buffet

Source: Barchart

11 Jul 2023

10 investing thumb rules

Source: Brian Feroldi

11 Jul 2023

Capitalizing vs. Expensing

Source: Oana Labes

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