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3 Apr 2024

Tesla $TSLA 1Q'24 Deliveries are ugly: Total deliveries -8.5% Y/Y with Model 3/Y -10%

Stock is down -5% today and now down -33% year-to-date... Source: Consensus Guru

18 Mar 2024

GS Cutting Tesla Numbers & PT

1. "....lowering Tesla estimates to better reflect what we believe are both production (e.g. Model 3 ramp pace, and downtime in Berlin tied to the Red Sea conflict/power loss) and market headwinds... 2. Overall we reduce our EPS estimates including SBC to $2.15/$3.80/$5.00 from $2.45/$4.40/$5.40 for 2024/2025/2026... 3. Our 12-month price target is now $190 (from $220 prior), and is based on 50X (unchanged) applied to our updated Q5-Q8 EPS estimate..." source : goldman sachs, tme

26 Feb 2024

The average price of a used Tesla has declined 19 months in a row

Moving from a record high of $67,900 in July 2022 to a record low of $32,984 today. That's a 51% decline. $TSLA

7 Feb 2024

Who would have thought? Toyota Motor $TM is soaring (up another +7% on Tuesday) while Tesla TSLA is down -37% since July '23 high.

Source: Bloomberg

5 Feb 2024

Tesla global sales by model over time

Source: Visual Capitalist

5 Feb 2024

$TSLA is the only Magnificent 7 Stock to be in the red over the last 12 months.

Not only that, Tesla is getting absolutely trounced by the rest of the group. Should we rename this group the Magnificent 6 going forward? Source: barchart

5 Feb 2024

Zuck (meta) vs. Musk (Tesla)

Remember the cage match story ? 😏 Source: carl Quintanilla

2 Feb 2024

Tesla $TSLA forms its first Death Cross since May 2022

Source: barchart

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