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18 Oct 2023

Did President Biden pop the AI nvidia bubble?

A similar boom/bust head & shoulders already happened in the recent past... Source: Bloomberg,

18 Oct 2023

How To Analyze An Income Statement - FAST. Watch for these 10 green flags

By Brian Feroldi

17 Oct 2023

Balance Sheet Explained Simply

Source: Brian Feroldi

16 Oct 2023

Cash + Treasury Bills now account for 15% of BoA's Global Wealth AUM, the highest level since the onset of the pandemic and one of the highest levels since the GFC

This could potentially limit the downside risk if that capital rotates back into stocks. Source: Barchart, BofA

12 Oct 2023

Microsoft $MSFT is devoting more than 13% of CAPEX to artificial intelligence, the highest amount out of the world’s top cloud service providers

Baidu $BIDU follows with nearly 10%, while Google $GOOG and Meta $META are putting between 6-7% of CAPEX to AI. Source: FT

12 Oct 2023

Warren Buffett’s Financial Statement Rules of Thumb

Source: Brian Feroldi

12 Oct 2023

Maximum 3-month total return 60/40 nominal drawdown

Source: TME, Haver

12 Oct 2023

How Companies Raise Capital

Watch these four balance sheet categories: by Brian Feroldi

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