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29 Nov 2023

As we moved into 2024, one downside risk needs to be kept in mind:

tightening monetarypolicy cycle often operates with a lag. As shown on the chart below, stocks typically plunged many months after rates peaked in the past. Source. Bloomberg, Cheddar Flow

28 Nov 2023


Rates volatility joined the global volatility puke in November and we actually have the MOVE trading at the lowest levels since around mid September. Perfection vs SPX continues. Chart shows MOVE inverted vs SPX. Source: TME

28 Nov 2023

Hedging demand has fallen sharply with the cost to protect against a market selloff down by around 10%, or one-standard deviation, tumbling to the lowest ever in data starting in 2013

Demand for tail-risk hedges that pay out in an equity fall as precipitous as 30% has also dropped and is hovering around the lowest level since March.- Bloomberg

27 Nov 2023

Up again today. Index is up 8%. This group of Chinese stocks is up over 50% in just a few weeks

Source: David Ingles, Bloomberg

24 Nov 2023

A gauge of early-stage small, mid-cap growth stocks in China has rallied 40% within just a few weeks

Source: David Ingles, Bloomberg

23 Nov 2023

Consensus expects Net margins for the Magnificent 7 to stay significantly higher than the rest of the S&P 500

Source: Goldman Sachs, TME

23 Nov 2023

The rally in US stocks in recent weeks has taken attention away from what looks like a pretty concerning forward picture from earnings releases

Q4 earnings expectations have come down considerably in recent weeks, in contrast with equity market strength. Source: Bob Elliott, Factset

22 Nov 2023

A look back on just how rapid Nvidia's $NVDA data center growth has been

· +79.7% CAGR since Q3 FY17's $240M revenue. · Reached record levels at $1.9B in Q3 FY21. · Grown 664% since then to $14.51B in Q3 FY24. · Projected to reach $46.6B in FY24, 56x more than FY17's $830M. Source: Beth Kindig

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