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15 Nov 2023

Dividend stocks have been horrendous in 2023

The 100 highest yielding stocks in the S&P had an average total return of -7.94% through last Friday compared to an average gain of 8.94% for the 100 (exactly) stocks in the index that pay no dividend. Source: Bespoke

13 Nov 2023

Stock markets care much more about US Treasury auctions now than they used to

Chart from Citi’s Stuart Kaiser thus Lisa Abramowitz

13 Nov 2023

2023 has been the polar opposite of 2022:

-Worst performing areas of the equity market in 2022 (Nasdaq/Tech/Growth) have been the best performers in 2023. -Best performers from 2022 (Energy/Value/Equal Weight) have been the worst in 2023. Source: Charlie Bilello

13 Nov 2023

Why you should invest for the long run - Nikhil Kamath / InvestyWise Nikhil Kamath

(Stats are for Indian hashtag#stocks but the principle remains the same for most equity markets in the world) "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffet

13 Nov 2023

Microsoft $MSFT has joined Apple $AAPL as the 2nd individual company that has a bigger market cap than the combined market cap of all stocks in the small-cap Russell 2,000:

Source: Bespoke

8 Nov 2023

This is how Waren Buffet manages risk

Instead of over-diversifying, he takes big bets on companies / stocks on which he has super-strong conviction and knowledge. Almost half of Warren Buffett’s portfolio is made up of Apple at 48%, and valued at $163.7B. The top 5 holdings account for over 75% of the total portfolio... Source: Genuine Impact

8 Nov 2023

Walmart vs Amazon

25 yrs ago: Walmart revenue 305x larger than Amazon. 20 yrs ago: Walmart revenue 51x larger than Amazon. 10 yrs ago: Walmart revenue 7x larger than Amazon. 5 yrs ago: Walmart revenue 2x larger than Amazon. Today: Walmart revenue 1.1x larger than Amazon. Source: Charlie Bilello

8 Nov 2023

Did you know that the biggest e-Commerce app in Asia AND EUROPE trades at 10X earnings?!

$BABA Source: A.J. Button

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