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13 Oct 2023

The Treasury Yield Curve has been steepening (i.e. uninverting) for 5 straight weeks, the longest streak in more than 25 years

Source: DB, Barchart

12 Oct 2023

Microsoft $MSFT is devoting more than 13% of CAPEX to artificial intelligence, the highest amount out of the world’s top cloud service providers

Baidu $BIDU follows with nearly 10%, while Google $GOOG and Meta $META are putting between 6-7% of CAPEX to AI. Source: FT

12 Oct 2023

Warren Buffett’s Financial Statement Rules of Thumb

Source: Brian Feroldi

12 Oct 2023

What to expect from today's US CPI data? Main take via JPM's market intelligence team

Source: JPM, TME

12 Oct 2023

Maximum 3-month total return 60/40 nominal drawdown

Source: TME, Haver

12 Oct 2023

$100k invested in the S&P 500 ETF 30 years ago would be worth over $1.7 million today

Was the road to 17x growth a straight line? Far from it... Source: Charlie Bilello

12 Oct 2023

The consumer is borrowing more than they can afford to pay

The consumer default rate on credit card loans from small lenders has seen a sharp spike to 7.51% This level is higher than the: - Dot Com bubble - Financial Crisis - C-19 With credit card interest rates still above 20%. Consumers are going to continue feeling the pressure. Source: Game of Trades

12 Oct 2023

Bank credit has now entered contraction territory. After witnessing one of sharpest declines on record

Since 1974, this has only happened ONCE: → The Financial Crisis. Back then, this metric reached levels as low as -5%. At the current rate, the risk of a credit event is on the rise. Source: Game of trades

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