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27 Jun 2024

If you ever get upset for selling too early just know it could have been worse.

Meet Ronald Wayne Apple's 3rd co-founder who sold his entire 10% stake in the company for $800 back in 1976. 10% of Apple $AAPL is currently worth ~$328 Billion... Source: Evan

24 Jun 2024


The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple and Meta have discussed a partnership that would see Meta AI models integrated into iOS 18 for Apple Intelligence. This integration would likely be similar to the deal Apple has struck with ChatGPT, which is currently the only third-party partner for Apple Intelligence.

20 Jun 2024

JUST IN: 🍏 Apple stops work on the Apple Vision Pro 2 due to slow demand

Apple is now working on a cheaper model to launch late 2025 Radar🚨

14 Jun 2024

Apple $AAPL forms a Golden Cross for the first time since March 2023 🚨

The last Golden Cross sent shares soaring by 25% over the next 4 months! Source: Barchart

13 Jun 2024

Apple $AAPL … stock up ~12.5% in 2-days, the biggest 2-day move in 15+ years (save a 2-day stretch in Mar’20 off the COVID lows) …

over this stretch, Apple has added nearly ~$400bn in mrkt cap .. larger than the current market cap of 480 co’s ..” - GS desk Source: Carl Quintanilla, Bloomberg

13 Jun 2024

Apple almost overtook Microsoft as the largest market cap in the world.

Source: Companies Marketcap

12 Jun 2024

Apple $AAPL closed up 7.26% with its market cap increasing by ~$214 Billion today 🍏

Source: Evan

12 Jun 2024

Apple is #2 again with a market cap of $3.17tn after Tuesday's AI rally.

Source: Bloomberg, HolgerZ

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