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24 Jul 2023

For the 1st time since Feb’21, rate hikes are no longer exceeding rate cuts in Emerging markets.

Source: BofA, TME

17 Jul 2023

Emerging Market Local Currency Debt: Sustaining the Rally?

Emerging Market local currency debts have proven to be top performers (+18%) since reaching the peak in the 10-year US Treasury yield (4.25%) in October 2022, during this rate hike cycle. This specific segment of the fixed income market has offered attractive real rates, leading to the strengthening of EM currencies against the US Dollar. Notably, volatility in EM currencies has reached its lowest level since March 2020 and the global pandemic. As emerging market central banks prepare for potential monetary policy "pivot" (starting with Chile, Hungary and Brazil?), the question arises: will this trend continue? Or could we see a break in the rally, despite the favorable gap in nominal policy rates between EM and DM, while the gap in headline inflation reaches its tightest level? Source : Bloomberg

12 May 2023

⏬ Time to consider a shift for the Central Bank of Brazil?

🇧🇷 Brazil's Consumer Price Index (CPI) is nearing the end of its normalization process, hitting a low of 4.18% in April, the lowest level since October 2020! 📊 The Banco Central do Brasil (Central Bank of Brazil) took proactive steps by raising its key rates (Selic rate) early on to address inflationary pressures. Their actions have yielded positive results, bringing inflation back in line with Brazil's historical patterns. ⚖️ The potential for rate cuts is now significant, particularly if Lula appoints his preferred candidates, like Gabriel Galípolo, to influential positions within the Brazilian central bank. President Campos Neto is widely respected as one of Latin America's top central bankers. However, his focus on controlling inflation rather than stimulating Brazilian growth, coupled with his association with former President Bolsonaro, may put his position at risk. 🛑 Is Brazil on a similar trajectory as Turkey, where concerns arise over the central bank's alignment with the government? Source: Bloomberg

26 Jan 2023

Time for emerging market central banks to pivot?

As the Citi Inflation Surprise Index for emerging markets (EM) turned negative for the first time since July 2020, the bond market appears to be hoping for a pivot from EM central banks (CBs). The end of policy tightening in EM is already visible, as the pace and magnitude of rate hikes by EM CBs has begun to slow. Source: Topdown charts.

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