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27 Mar 2024

Current SP500 vs. election seasonality

by Win Smart, CFA

27 Mar 2024

Do people appreciate how speculative "Small Cap Growth" has become?

The Russell 2000 Growth has 28% in negative earners. Prior to the GFC, negative earners were 15-18% of the index. Even in a depression (2009), it only went up to 26%. How many will "grow" into bankruptcy court? Source: Jeff Weniger

27 Mar 2024

Global equity risk premium are now at the lowest since 2008.

Source: Mike Zaccardi

27 Mar 2024

China's trade surplus in the first 2 months of 2024 is the biggest EVER.

Here's China's dilemma. It's caught in a deflationary debt spiral. Exports are a way out. But - at the same time - China's relations with the "developed" world are deteriorating. Source chart: Robin Brooks

26 Mar 2024

Price of a home in the us (median price) vs. bitcoin over time

Source: coinsauce

26 Mar 2024

The AI data center value chain

Source: Evan

26 Mar 2024

The S&P 500 Energy ETF $XLE just formed a Golden Cross right as it hit a 1-year high

Source: Barchart

26 Mar 2024

Indian bonds are set to be added to global indexes. Here’s why it could be a gamechanger - CNBC

- The decision to include Indian government bonds in two prominent global indexes recently is being viewed as a shot in the arm for the rapidly growing country and is expected to bring in billions of inflows. - India’s bonds will be added to the JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) in June, the Wall Street lender announced in September. - Goldman Sachs said it expects India’s bond markets to see inflows “upwards of $40 billion from the time of announcement to the end of the scale-in period, or around $2 billion per month.” - The biggest buyers of India’s government debt have so far been institutional organizations such as banks, mutual funds and insurance firms but addition to global indexes means it could now diversify the country’s avenues to raise funds. Source: CNBC

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