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9 Apr 2024

India just reported record monthly imports of silver.

Source: Tavi Costa, Bloomberg

8 Apr 2024

And the Winner is…

Via @PendulumFlow thru Michel A.Arouet

8 Apr 2024

Global PMIs recovering nicely.

Source: Markets & Mayhem reposted Ayesha Tariq

4 Apr 2024

Commodities have truly broken out now.. Is anyone paying attention?

Source: Bloomberg, Andreas Steno Larsen

4 Apr 2024

Despite recent surge in prices, Silver remains quite cheap compared to gold, and the price of silver is well away from its prior all-time highs.

The so-called "silver squeeze" have disappointed many and prior rallies faded. But this time could be different. Industrial utilization is increasing and investor interest is as well... Could silver catch up with Gold? Source: Bloomberg, Markets & Mayhem

26 Mar 2024

Chocolate Lovers are Going To Have A Hard Time In The Next Few Months!

Yes, folks, the price of cocoa is witnessing a scorching rally (cocoa nears $10,000 per ton), which has led to mind-boggling prices for the raw material used to prepare chocolates. The insane PRICE INCREASE can be attributed to the significant supply disruptions in Africa and leveraged speculators🚨 Source: Sagar Singh, Wall Street Silver Image:

25 Mar 2024

The race continues...Bitcoin is up a 'modest' 237% in the last 12 months.

Cocoa is up 310% and NVIDIA 350%. Source: Bloomberg, Jeroen Blokland

25 Mar 2024

Cocoa is the new crypto

Source: David Ingles, Bloomberg

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