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13 Jun 2024

June FOMC decision >>>

The biggest surprise in the dot plot: 3 cuts in 2024 revised to just 1 cut Source: zerohedge

13 Jun 2024

Brussels will impose tariffs of up to almost 50 per cent on Chinese electric vehicles, brushing aside German government warnings that the move could spark a trade war with Beijing.

13 Jun 2024

Apple $AAPL … stock up ~12.5% in 2-days, the biggest 2-day move in 15+ years (save a 2-day stretch in Mar’20 off the COVID lows) …

over this stretch, Apple has added nearly ~$400bn in mrkt cap .. larger than the current market cap of 480 co’s ..” - GS desk Source: Carl Quintanilla, Bloomberg

13 Jun 2024

This chart from BofA is among Powell worst nightmares... and explain the FED reluctance in cutting rates too fast.

They will remain data dependent.

13 Jun 2024

Mains Street vs. Wall Street: "Normal people have a different way of looking at inflation compared to economists/central bankers."

(There is one consequence of this dichotomy by the way: the rise of populists parties which will increase public spending bringing in more inflation...) Source: TS Lombard Research Partners Dario Perkins via Daily Chartbook

13 Jun 2024

With fiscal deficit over 5% during good times France is at risk of facing a debt crisis whoever wins next elections

Source: Bloomberg, Michel A.Arouet

13 Jun 2024

Apple almost overtook Microsoft as the largest market cap in the world.

Source: Companies Marketcap

13 Jun 2024

japan just sold $17 billion worth of Foreign Debt, the largest sale in 9 years...

Source: Bloomberg, Barchart

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