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31 Aug 2023

We are now seeing the widest spread between mortgage rates and 30-year risk-free rates in history

Should we see this as another barometer of credit tightness in the system? Source: Crescat Capital, Bloomberg

31 Aug 2023

Recent Developments in the AT1/CoCo Bond Market: ZKB Unexpectedly Skips an AT1 Call!

After the Credit Suisse turmoil, the AT1/CoCo bond market is witnessing intriguing dynamics as Zürcher Kantonal Bank (ZKB) takes an unexpected turn by choosing to bypass an AT1 call. In a landscape where banks are carefully navigating refinancing challenges, this move adds a new layer of complexity to the market. ZKB's decision to forego the AT1 call comes in the wake of Banco Santander's similar choice, signaling a trend toward cautious financial strategies in the face of fluctuating market conditions. These recent developments are shedding light on the intricate decision-making processes that banks are employing to balance their financial stability and growth prospects.

29 Aug 2023

The last time 10Y yields were this far above $SPX dividend yields was September 2007, the month stocks peaked

Source: zerohedge

25 Aug 2023

Turkey's Aggressive Rate Hike Triggers 5-Year CDS Drop!

The Turkey Central Bank has taken a significant step in its battle against inflation by implementing a supersized rate hike of 750bps, bringing rates to 25%. This move was unexpected, as the market had anticipated a more "modest" hike to 20%. Turkish fixed income assets have responded positively, with the Turkey 5-year CDS retreating below 400bps. Even Turkey's US Dollar-denominated bonds saw a boost from the news. With the Central Bank of Turkey adopting a more orthodox approach to its monetary policy, the question arises: can they successfully bring inflation back to reasonable levels? To provide context, the latest inflation figure for the month of July was at a staggering 47.8%... Source: Bloomberg

25 Aug 2023

A fresh increase in the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model reinforces the reasoning behind hawkish-for-longer monetary policy, which is weighing on equities and bonds

The latest model estimate shows real 3Q GDP growth of 5.9%, up from 5.8% on Aug. 16 (it was less than 4% two weeks ago). Source: J-C Gand, Atlanta Fed

24 Aug 2023

Since the COVID Crash lows in March 2020, US equity markets have more than doubled the performance of bonds

As shown below, that's the best performance ever over a similar time window, topping the strongest stocks-bonds outperformance from the tech bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Source: Bespoke, J-C Gand

24 Aug 2023

This week has seen the biggest set of 'bad news' since April...

And that bad news prompted a very aggressive bid for global bonds with USTs tumbling 8-12bps on the day, leaving the long-end down 9bps on the week (but 2Y +2bps still) Source:, Bloomberg

24 Aug 2023

Duration risk in one chart. $1 million invested in this Apple AAPL bond is now worth $600k, duration risk is on stage here.

Now think of all those mortgage-backed securities on bank balance sheets... Source: Lawrence McDonald, Bloomberg

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