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23 Aug 2023

Higher real bond yields create a challenge for global equities valuations

Source: Bloomberg

23 Aug 2023

Nice one by Steno research

While there are some fundamental reasons for US Treasury yields to keep rising (check out the Atlanta Fed Nowcast model poiting towards nearly 6% annualized real GDP growth in 3Q), what is currently going in China probably has some impact as well Source: Stenio research

23 Aug 2023

The last time US 10Y yields were this far above sp500 dividend yields was sept/oct 2007 (BNP Paribas funds liquidate, Fed slashes rates, market peaks...)

Source: Bloomberg,

23 Aug 2023

This is not the price chart of a meme stock going under or a "pump and dump" altcoin

This is the Austria AA+ 100 year bond being hammered by the rise of bond yields... The price of the 100 year Austrian government bond has plunged near all-time lows and is trading 72% below its All-Time-High. Source: Bloomberg, HolgerZ

21 Aug 2023

US real yields are at a 14-year high

Source: BofA

21 Aug 2023

This is the largest short position ever in the US Treasuries 2 year note

Source: ISI chart

18 Aug 2023

Bonds and stocks are tanking together... Are Chinese banks selling US Treasuries to 'fund' their yuan intervention?

Source: Bloomberg,

17 Aug 2023

An horrible 20-year JGB auction today tailed the most since 1987, showing that investors require a higher yield to buy JGB

Rising JGB yields threaten bonds worldwide, so we see EU and US sovereign yields accelerating their rise this morning. Source: Althea Spinozzi aka "The Bond girl"

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