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14 Jul 2023

The sp500 is now 3% above the level it was at when The Fed first hiked #rates in March 2022...

The #sp500 is now 3% above the level it was at when The #Fed first hiked #rates in March 2022...

13 Jul 2023

The probability of a July 26 rate of 25 basis points to 5.25% to 5.50% barely moved

Despite the better-than-expected CPI report today, the probability of a July 26 rate of 25 basis points to 5.25% to 5.50% barely moved. The market is strongly expecting a hike in two weeks. Source: Jim Bianco

12 Jul 2023

ECB Balance Sheet

ECB QT continues w/balance sheet shrank by another €12.8bn to €7,207bn, lowest since Mar2021. ECB's total assets now equal to 53% of Eurozone GDP vs Fed's 31%, SNB's 121%, and BOJ's 128%. Source: HolgerZ, Bloomberg

22 Jun 2023

SNB Dials Down Interest-Rate Hiking With Quarter-Point Move

The Swiss National Bank delivered the smallest interest-rate hike since it began monetary tightening a year ago while signaling it may act again to tame inflation.
Policymakers led by President Thomas Jordan lifted the key rate by a quarter-point to 1.75%, matching forecasts by most economists surveyed by Bloomberg.
The step is aimed at “countering inflationary pressure, which has increased again,” Jordan said in Zurich. “It cannot be ruled out that additional rises in the SNB policy rate will be necessary to ensure price stability over the medium term.”

Source: Bloomberg

22 Jun 2023

SNB won’t let slowing inflation stop a rate hike

Source: Bloomberg

20 Jun 2023

China's central bank cuts the banks' 1-Y and 5-Y Loan Prime Rate #LPR by 10 bps for the first time since August

The People’s Bank of China cut two more key lending rates on Tuesday for the first time in 10 months to prop up growth in the world’s second largest economy. The Chinese central bank cut the one-year loan prime rate by 10 basis points from 3.65% to 3.55%, and trimmed the five-year loan prime rate by 10 basis points from 4.3% to 4.2% — for the first time since August. Source: CNBC

16 Jun 2023

Yen declines as BOJ sticks with super easy policy unlike peers

The Bank of Japan continued to defy global central bank trends by sticking with stimulus as it waits for signs of more sustainable inflation while its peers signal the need to raise interest rates further to rein in prices.
Governor Kazuo Ueda and his fellow board members left their negative interest rate and yield curve control program unchanged at the end of a two-day gathering and maintained their view that inflation will slow over the coming months, according to a statement Friday.
The yen declined after the decision, falling to around 141.40 per dollar. It had hit a seven-month low of 141.50 on Thursday.

Source: Bloomberg

15 Jun 2023

The rate hikes marathon

Since the start of 2022: The Federal Reserve has raised its benchmark rate 10 times to 5.25% from 0.25%. The Bank of England has hiked its key rate 11 times to 4.5% from 0.25%. The European Central Bank increased its seven times to 3.75% from 0%. Source: Ignacio Ramirez Moreno

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