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24 Jan 2024

Tesla is reporting results tonight?

Who wants to play $TSLA earnings call bingo? 😂 Source: Markets & Mayhem

24 Jan 2024

Could this signal a bottom in Hong Kong stock market?

The index's P/B is now at a level that preceded the three biggest rallies (81%, 43%, 55%) over the last decade. Source: Bloomberg, David Ingles

23 Jan 2024

If we do not have a recession, stocks tend to rally after the Fed cuts

If we do, however, they tend to decline They say the economy isn't the market, but in this example it could have a measurable impact on the outcome Source: Markets & Mayhem

23 Jan 2024

The world's top 5 stock markets by market-cap. It has been a one-man show by the US

Note that India is moving into 4th position Source: Bloomberg, Michel A.Arouet

23 Jan 2024

India’s stock market has overtaken Hong Kong’s for the 1st time in another feat for the South Asian nation whose growth prospects & policy reforms have made it an investor darling

Source: Bloomberg, HolgerZ

23 Jan 2024

As of January 19th, NVIDIA $NVDA and Microsoft $MSFT had accounted for about 75% of the S&P 500's gain this year, while the 20 largest stocks in the index accounted for 110% of the index's upside move

The remaining ~480 stocks were acting as a drag. Source: Bespoke

22 Jan 2024

As stocks hit all-time highs, hedge funds are massively shorting stocks Goldman trading desk: "equity skeptics have piled on short bets

Per our Prime Team, shorts outpaced longs by 2:1 this past week, and 3:1 YTD. " Source: Goldman Sachs,

22 Jan 2024

India is set to overtake Hong Kong to become the world's fourth-largest stock market. It may happen this week assuming current trajectories hold

Source: David Ingles, Bloomberg

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