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22 Jan 2024

A tale of 2 markets: The sp500 closed at an all-time high. But the Russell 2000 is still in a bear market, down more than 20% from its high

That's never happened before. Source: Bloomberg, Jason Goepfert

18 Jan 2024

You've probably heard Chinese stocks are cheap. This chart takes that to a whole new level.

The Hang Seng Index's P/E is now below the Nasdaq's P/B. Those two valuation ratios should not even be anywhere close one another. Source: David Ingles, Bloomberg

18 Jan 2024

Another day, another loss for chinese stocks.

According to Guotai Junan Futures, there are about 30 billion yuan ($4.2 billion) of snowball derivatives products tied to the CSI 1000 Index are near levels that trigger losses at maturity, according to Guotai Junan Futures Co, as the stock rout in China's stock market pushes the derivatives to near knock-in levels. Another 60 billion yuan of the derivatives are 5%-10% away from their knock-in thresholds! Source:

18 Jan 2024

Fortune favors the patient investor. NASDAQ Returns By Year Since Inception

by Quartr

18 Jan 2024

You’d think there would be more IPOs considering how well stocks have been doing the past year+ all around the world...

Supply is clearly not an issue for tech stock market. Basically we have huge supply coming on the G7 bonds side (to finance growing budget deficits) and shrinking supply on the equity side. make your choice... Source: Topdown charts

17 Jan 2024

Japanese companies profits are surging

but that's not translating into rising domestic wages, keeping a lid on domestic inflationary pressures, and allowing easy monetary & FX policy to persist. The main winners are japan equity investors. Source: DB, Bob Elliott, The Daily Shot

17 Jan 2024

The valuation gap between the S&P 500 $SPX and the rest of the world continues to widen

Source: FT, Barchart

17 Jan 2024

China stocks cbear market continues unabated

As Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index tumbled 3.06% afterweaker than expected GDP numbers were released, while China’s CSI 300 index shed 0.73%. Meanwhile, AMC Nomura Nikkei 225 ETF went limit up today after Chinese traders ignored warnings to avoid chasing gains in Japanese Stocks. This ETF trades with a 9.5% premium over its net asset value... Source: Bloomberg, Barchart

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