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3 Oct 2023

New home buyers in the US

Source: Michel A. Gayed

3 Oct 2023

US 10y yields keep rising with most of the increase is due to the rise in real yields. US 10 year yields is now at 4.65%, 10 year real yields at 2.29%

Source: Bloomberg, HolgerZ

2 Oct 2023

Bloomberg on the status of US "excess pandemic savings."

Source: Bloomberg

2 Oct 2023

The US is running 10% deficit with record low unemployment

Imagine the deficit in next recession, whenever it may come. Enjoy these positive real rates as long as they last. Source: Michel A.Arouet, Bloomberg

2 Oct 2023

In case you missed it:

The past few months have brought a very significant tightening of US financial conditions; the Goldman Sachs Financial Conditions Index is now at the most restrictive point since November 2022. (HT GS) Source: HolgerZ, Bloomberg

2 Oct 2023

The US Bond Market has now been in a drawdown for 38 months, by far the longest bond bear market in history

The US Bond Market has now been in a drawdown for 38 months, by far the longest bond bear market in history

2 Oct 2023

Congress Averts US Government Shutdown Hours Before Deadline – Bloomberg

The US narrowly averted a disruptive and costly shutdown of federal agencies as Congress passed compromise legislation to keep the government running until Nov. 17. The legislation, passed in both chambers Saturday just hours before a midnight deadline, buys Democrats and Republicans time to negotiate longer-term federal funding. It doesn’t include new funding for Ukraine. President Joe Biden signed the bill late Saturday night, capping an extraordinary day in Washington that began with the country careening to what appeared to be an inevitable and prolonged federal funding lapse.

2 Oct 2023

U.S. Banks are facing roughly $600 billion of unrealized losses which accounts for roughly 25% of total banking capital, near the highest levels in history

Source: Barchart, FDIC, Alpine Macro

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