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13 Dec 2023

The tech and AI trade is very crowded. The net long positioning on the Nasdaq 100 by asset managers and leveraged funds is at a record high

Source: Haver Analytics, Rosenberg Research

11 Dec 2023

Breaking down the AI semiconductor ecosystem:

While $NVDA gets most of the attention, AI is additive to most of the semiconductor industry. Source: Eric AITechInvesting

11 Dec 2023

Some guys never rest...

Gemini AI

11 Dec 2023

The 50 most visited AI tools

Image by Writerbuddy, Sujan Sarkar

8 Dec 2023

Ivana SPEAR just published Spear's AI primer and ecosystem map!

While most people are focused on the application layer (e.g., ChatGPT, Copilot 365), there is much more to the AI opportunity.

7 Dec 2023

The race for AI dominance in one graph 👇🏼

GPU Shipments

29 Nov 2023

Nvdia in a virtuous cycle?

As highlighted, by Kakashii, Nvidia is somewhat fuelling their own growth by investing in AI startups which will purchase their AI chips! Indeed, Nvidia is one of generative AI’s most active investors. Let's review some of the deals the chipmaker is backing. Behind the scenes, Nvidia has been investing heavily in generative AI companies. The chipmaker’s overall deal activity has climbed dramatically in 2023 (see chart below)

23 Nov 2023

$NVDA Apparently, somebody is buying a lot of chips in Singapore

That country now represents 15% of total sales, up from 9% last year. Chinese sanction evasion for higher powered chips? Source: Jaguar Analytics

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