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5 Jan 2023

China stocks trade at cheapest to Hong-Kong peers in almost a Year

Source: Bloomberg, C.Barraud

10 Nov 2022

The pace of earnings downgrades has accelerated in the US

The pace of earnings downgrades has accelerated in the US, especially compared to Europe, as a Citigroup Inc. gauge of US earnings changes has had 23 consecutive negative prints, the longest losing streak since early 2020 - Bloomberg

10 Nov 2022

Rising correlations

Rolling 120d correlation between U.S. dollar (blue) and 10y Treasury yield (orange) has risen to highest since August 2020. Source: Bloomberg, Liz Ann Sonders

10 Nov 2022

The stock market is bifurcating

This chart shows the 11 S&P 500 sectors indexed from the pre-COVID index peak in February 2020. The spread between winners and losers is getting increasingly large. Source: Fidelity

9 Nov 2022

China Developers Soar as State Help Fuels Bets on Market Bottom

Source: - Bloomberg

9 Nov 2022

Tesla stocks keep falling due to Twittermess

Tesla is now worth <$600bn Source: Bloomberg

8 Nov 2022

ETF flows: Investors have shifted back towards risk

45%% of ETF inflows concentrated in equity funds over past month; only 7% of flows have been into U.S. government bond funds. Arbor Research

8 Nov 2022

Fed Pivot is not always a great news for the stock market

At least in the short-run... Source:

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