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24 Aug 2023

Nvidia ($NVDA) data center revenue in 2Q was $10.32 billion vs. $3.81 billion y/y, beating estimates of $7.98 billion

In less than a decade, it's gone from a rounding error to the main source of sales. Source: Bloomberg

24 Aug 2023

The Nvidia share shows very well that analysts usually lag behind the share price with their price targets

Source: HolgerZ, Bloomberg

23 Aug 2023

Jackson Hole might NOT be the key market driver

Indeed, nvidia ($NVDA) results tonight could be THE main market event this week given the weight of Nvidia in the main #us #equity indices (4.6% of Nasdaq 100 and 3.1% of S&P 500) and the level of market expectations in terms of top-line growth (68% QoQ) and gross margins (+400bps improvement). Moreover, the Street (and algos) will count the number of times that Jensen says "AI" during the conf call this evening... Source: Markets Mayhem

23 Aug 2023

Over 60% of outstanding US mortgages have an interest rate below 4%. Current average 30y mortgage rate is north of 7.5%...

This is the 1 factor driving the limited housing supply as many of these homeowners can't afford to move... Source: Charlie Bilello, National Mortgage Database

23 Aug 2023

Nice one by Steno research

While there are some fundamental reasons for US Treasury yields to keep rising (check out the Atlanta Fed Nowcast model poiting towards nearly 6% annualized real GDP growth in 3Q), what is currently going in China probably has some impact as well Source: Stenio research

23 Aug 2023

In case you missed it... Charles Schwab owes 130% of their total equity capital to short duration FHLB* loans that have to be paid back soon

Total assets $350 billion... Source: FinanceLancelot * What Is the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLB)? The Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLB) is a consortium of 11 regional banks across the U.S. that provide a reliable stream of cash to other banks and lenders to finance housing, infrastructure, economic development, and other individual and community needs. (source: Investopedia)

23 Aug 2023

The last time US 10Y yields were this far above sp500 dividend yields was sept/oct 2007 (BNP Paribas funds liquidate, Fed slashes rates, market peaks...)

Source: Bloomberg,

23 Aug 2023

S&P 500 to 10-year note ratio is going parabolic

Source: barchart, The Daily Shot

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